Vocal Coach Reacts to Creep – Post Modern Jukebox ft Haley Reinhart | Technique Analysis & Demo


Fantastic fun and tremendously informative analysis of Haley’s performance ! You’re the most engaging and energetic vocal coach on You Tube ! You’re breakdown of all of Haley’s vocal techniques were spot on and so well explained for the layman ! It’s a pleasure to see you perform your vocal analysis ! Thank you so much it’s so well appreciated and keep posting sweetheart ! Sending you much love from Canada !!

I was browsing through voice coaches reaction videos so they’d tell me why I shouldn’t be obsessed with this performance or at least reassure me that it’s fine. And I find this gem. TFVM not only HAS editing but has A LOT of it AND does it well. A love it, I rewatched it, I love it. It shames other reaction videos, just burns them. TFVM, I love you, I’d merry you. Love your teeth, green eyes, humor, energy and unlike many other voice coaches you can sing. Thank you, you deserve more love on YT. Sorry for my english.

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